Member Information
Hazel Belluomo (De Haseth)
Age:  61
Current Address
16220 N 7th St,
Phoenix, AZ 85022
602 265 9955
Old Address
2810 Olinville Avenue
Bronx, NY 10467
Grammar School:  P.S. 96
Junior High:  Franklin D Whalen JrH
High School:  Christopher Columbus HS 415 (06/1966)
Brothers/Sisters:  Myself, Hazel 61 Sisters, Arline 60 and Yvonne 59
Children:  Julia-Loi 37 Audra 35
Friends:  George Offord, Francine Katz, Linda Wiengart
Who I'd like to contact:  Angela Garrabone
Favorites:  Movies, Travel, Books, Cuisines
Reunion Date 1st Suggestion:  January 1
Reunion Date 2nd Suggestion:  January 1